Luna Moth and Love

We have a beautiful luna moth that has been hanging around our front porch the last 3 days. I haven’t seen one for years, and it was a special sighting the first night it showed up.  It’s named a luna moth because it flies at night with the moon.

A luna moth emerges from its cocoon with not long for this earth. The average lifespan is a week .  They don’t have a mouth so they don’t eat during their short lifespan.  Their life goal is very simple — make love, the strongest of human emotions and reproduce.  They want to make sure there is another moth to perpetuate their existence.

The lesson learned from these beautiful winged creatures is to live and love to the fullest and enjoy every experience that gets thrown your way —  as the luna moth does.

Sightings of luna moths are rare and therefore many believe it’s a time for reflection.  It’s a good time to remind individuals to remove yourself from life’s petty problems.  Our lifetime is short so forget about what is stressing and concerning you and focus on being loving to others. (source: